(03) 4135 2701

Pilates at Twin Rivers Osteopathy


At Twin Rivers Osteopathy we enhance our osteopathic treatments with clinical pilates exercises for those conditions that can benefit from this approach. Clinical Pilates has been developed and researched as a treatment process for managing conditions that are underlying injuries.

Pilates has been known for balancing and conditioning for many years. Equal parts flexibility and strength, Pilates is focused on improving co-ordination and control. to empower clients to be able to embrace Pilates from any fitness level.

Maintaining your range of movement and strength is vital for a youthful body, no matter your age, Pilates practice can certainly feel like an anti-ageing treatment for your muscles and joints! Regular exercise is one of the most valuable actions we can take to preserve our body’s function for life, and Pilates is a no-impact, approachable workout for people at any level of fitness.

We do not run Pilates classes however we individualise treatment programs specific to each patients’ needs. As experts in problem solving chronic complex conditions, using clinical pilates exercises as treatment can get the best possible outcome in the recovery process, restoring movement dysfunction, and with it relieving pain.

Depending on your injury, you’ll experience improved core stability, flexibility, muscle tone, balance and posture. Clinical pilates exercises are effective at treating, managing and preventing back pain, neck pain, sports injuries and arthritic pains, as well as postural, pelvic floor and balance conditions.

We are trained by the Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute (APPI), which is researched based, run by physiotherapists for all therapists.

We are ready when you are

Twin Rivers Osteopathy offers a wide range of Osteopathic services & treatments covering back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, headaches, upper back pain, sports injuries, work-related injuries and ergonomic assessment.