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Foot & Ankle Pain

All structures need a sturdy base, and as humans that foot and ankle is that base. Over the course of our lives the foot and ankle has to deal with an immense amount of load, stress, injury and exercise. This stress can sometimes lead to foot and ankle pain, lets explore that.

How Can Osteopathy Help With Foot & Ankle Pain?

Foot and ankle pain can occur from trauma, wear and tear, or even as a developmental issue. As osteopaths will work with you to not only identify what is causing the pain in your foot and ankle, but more importantly why you have pain in your foot and ankle.

Occasionally further testing and imaging can be helpful to get a full understanding of your complaint. At Twin Rivers Osteopathy we work closely with your existing family medical teams and local radiology centres. This ensures we have all the most accurate information when crafting your unique treatment management plan.

Often pain in the lower half of the body can cause a compensatory pattern of movement, leading to increased stress on your knees, hips and lower back. At Twin Rivers Osteopathy we believe in treating the whole body, and not just the site that hurts so these compensator strains will be an integral part of your treatment plan.

Common Causes Of Foot & Ankle Pain

♦  Trauma; rolled ankles, ankles sprains, Achilles tendonitis, broken toes, strained muscles, torn ligaments, etc

♦  Wear & Tear; Osteoarthritis in the joints of the toes, poor healing of old injury sites, etc

♦  Developmental conditions; Sever’s disease, flat feet or pes planus, growing pains, etc

♦  Physiological conditions; Gout, Raynaud’s disease, diabetes, etc

♦  Nerve pain; nerve entrapment, ganglion cysts, Morton’s neuroma.

Treating Foot & Ankle Pain

Our Osteopath’s at Twin Rivers Osteopathy concentrate of 3 primary things when treating your foot and ankle pain:

1.  Rehabilitation of the injured tissue is incredibly important or any injury, but especially for the foot and ankle where it is very hard to avoid using the area. At Twin Rivers Osteopathy rehabilitation is one of our core principles. 

2.  Treatment for the local area. This treatment is designed to decrease local swelling from the injury or issue, and get all the local joints and muscles moving freely again so the foot can return to full health.

3.  Treatment for areas like the knees, hips and lower back that may have had extra compensatory load placed on them while your foot and ankle was healing.

Long Term Management: Foot & Ankle Pain

Our osteopaths work with you to develop a management plan that is tailored to your specific needs and goals. Often after injury or severe pain, it can be hard getting back to the things you love. Twin Rivers Osteopath home exercise programs can help increase the strength and function of the foot & ankle to make sure you can achieve your goals and live a happy healthy life. 

We are ready when you are

Twin Rivers Osteopathy offers a wide range of Osteopathic services & treatments covering back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, headaches, upper back pain, sports injuries, work-related injuries and ergonomic assessment.